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2 posts tagged with "Cloud"

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· 10 min read
Alex DeBrie

During my time at Serverless, Inc., I've talked with a lot of users about their serverless applications. One of the persistent questions that people ask is around which database to use.

Many people reach for DynamoDB as their database of choice, with good reason. It's the most serverless-friendly database, for a number of reasons:

· 7 min read
Alex DeBrie

The release cadence of AWS is impressive. In 2018, there were 1381 release announcements from AWS on the "What's New" blog feed. At AWS re:Invent 2018, we saw some amazing announcements like a new fully-managed timeseries database, managed Kafka, a whole host of machine learning tools, and even a managed blockchain.

But that's not what this post is about. This post is about the constant, relentless improvements that AWS makes to existing services. Most of these improvements are unseen and unannounced. After all, it's hard to make a release announcement for under-the-hood improvements. Yet these consistent improvements are why AWS continues to delight its customers -- it's never happy with the status quo.